noii – Back to real dating

Our business are the sweet butterflies in one's tummy. Instead of endless swiping and chats that come to nothing, our platform creates authentic encounters and unforgettable rendezvous. With the combination of video dating and offline events, we connect singles in real life again. This approach has already caused quite a stir nationally. Our singles are ready for something new! Are you too? Become part of our success story now and invest in the most beautiful thing in life: love.

Successfully finished - funding is secured.
of CHF 650’000 reached
Funded CHF 1.21 mil
  • Securities
    Voting shares
  • Impact
    Much more love. In Switzerland and beyond
  • Community
    25K+ users, mainly from Zurich
  • Finance
    With your investment, we will expand throughout Switzerland and improve our matching process
  • Founding
    Female Founder & CEO
  • Market Entry
    Nearly 100% sold-out offline events since July 2023

The Pitch

Cupid's arrow has gone digital. But does that mean it hits more precisely? Online dating is now the most common way to find a partner. However, this also increases the frustration of its users. Long swipe sessions and superficial chats that result in no dates are usually just a waste of time and turn the promise of great love into fleeting dopamine kicks. And according to a study by BioMed Central1, it may develop into a psychological burden.

That's why two years ago, noii launched with a new concept. With video speed dating and regular offline events, singles get to know each other more authentically, efficiently and safely. Thanks to a loyal and growing community, we have been able to witness many new love stories. Now we need you to continue our success story beyond the borders of Switzerland!

This is noii:

People want to give their hearts away, but don't want to waste their time. With noii, we have brought two successful concepts under one umbrella that make it easy for singles to get to know each other.

Video Speed Datings

The user feedback has shown: Though we throw singles in at the deep end, they quickly come out on top. Twice a week, we hold live video dating sessions. Within an hour, each participant will get to know seven new people that are matched based on algorithms and user information. Video chats significantly reduce the risk of fake profiles and provide a clear picture of the other person through their voice, facial expressions and movements. This makes it easier to assess whether you want to get to know the other person better.

We've built our platform entirely in-house with a development team of three people. Thanks to our matching algorithm, the most suitable people are automatically matched with each other in every dating round.

Offline Single Events

It's like when mom told us when we were young: "Why don't you go outside and play?" And she was right. That's why we as a tech startup say: Enough internet for today – and organize offline events for up to 500 singles per evening.

Whenever noii invites its singles to the hottest bar in town, the ice is guaranteed to break (apart from the one in the drinks). Unique concepts that have never been done in Switzerland, such as speed dating in ski lifts and Ferris wheels, make for a fantastic story among the participants and create national media buzz.

The events, which have so far only taken place in Zurich and attracted up to 500 singles, are often booked out weeks in advance and create a strong regional community. 

Here's where we want to go

Thank you for giving us your time up to this point. But why should you also entrust us with your investment? Here's why:

💜 We are a young, technically independent start-up from Switzerland. With strong regional roots, we now want to expand our product globally. We have already conquered Zurich. And people in other cities are asking: When are you finally coming to us? We say: now!

💜 With your investment, noii is gradually building further regional communities. In March 2024, these will be Lucerne, St. Gallen and Bern. By the end of the year, we want to be established throughout the German speaking parts of Switzerland. Expansion up north to Germany will follow in 2025.

💜 In figures, this means that we are aiming for 80'000 registered users by the end of 2024 and 300'000 by 2025. 

💜 Which means revenues of CHF 600'000 for 2024 and CHF 1.5 million for 2025. The financial break-even shall be reached in 2027.

💜 To grow noii like this, we are rigorously expanding our marketing campaigns. These include stunts like placing a bed in Zurich's Niederdorf district or launch a Selecta vending machine just for singles. These videos go viral on social media, generate positive feedback by the press and attract new users.

The dating market has huge earnings potential for the future, provided that the trends and wishes of its users are taken into account: More authenticity, more efficiency, more real life. Our vision does not stop at the Swiss border. Or that of Germany. Or that of Europe. With noii, we want to create a global dating brand that makes candlelight dinners happen right around the homebase of Tinder & Co..

Our existing shareholders are still in love with us:

We already completed a small financing round and have loyal, well-known investors on board since the very beginning. They are also investing a further CHF 395'000 in the current financing round because they believe in noii and the team behind it. But let's have them speak for themselves:

Why crowdinvesting:

noii exists and continues to grow because many people use our product or recommend it to others. The beauty of dating is that it can affect us all. Either you are single or you know people who are. That's why we're happy to have everyone on board and spread the idea of authentic dating.

noii Dating stands for a movement and we would like you to be a part of it. We receive great, emotional feedback from our community every day – a sign that many enthusiastic fans are behind us. It is important to us, that this community plays an active role in shaping noii. Crowdinvesting also gives us the opportunity to give back advantages and benefits to our community as a token of our appreciation.

This is what our singles say about noii:

How we use your investment:

In order to grow, the new captial will be invested in our marketing. The past few months have shown how efficiently we have been able to attract new users to noii thanks to our approach. The goal: Our future advertising ideas will ensure even more red hearts and black figures.

Your financial resources are also driving our product development on the technical side. The platform is constantly being fine-tuned with an even more intuitive user experience and the matching algorithms are constantly being perfected.

Find out more in our Investment Proposal.

Your benefits as co-owner:

As an investor at noii, it's not just our hearts that will belong to you. We also offer exciting benefits: up to a 15% discount on all noii products, free entry to all our parties and exclusive investor events. 

And if you dig really deep into your pockets, we'll do the same for you and finance your very own noii wedding, no joke :D (up to 5K CHF, for a match found through noii).

Someone once said: Love is the only thing that multiplies when you share it. We work tirelessly to ensure that this also applies to your investment.

Let's do it together!

Source 1 BioMed Central📋